

Thank you

Thank you the Almighty Father

Thank you,
for being the supernatural physician and our creator

Thank you.
Thank you for the team of doctors and nurses of the Schwabinger Krankenhaus in Munich.

My wonderful doctors Thank you

My ever ready Schwesters
Thank you

My concerned team of social workers
Thank you.

How do I begin to express my gratitude over the reception given to us? The months of February and March were the most difficult period of my life in the race of Chedo’s life.
But in your eyes which hardly bring out tears, I saw a lot of love and this gave me hope and courage. Thank you.

In your heart and mind I read this, how you wish you could change this situation for little Chedo Thank you.

The situation was difficult for you, too.
I saw that you felt heavy as well in your heart. But yet You kept working round the clock. NOT MINDING my penniless state.

Oh! I am filled with joy that I am going back again with a life baby.
My words indeed are not enough to express my feelings but I can only and always say THANK YOU for being so nice.

Chedo’s mother